We started our activities in March 2021 as part of the development of cooperation in a consortium of partner organizations in Europe and Asia toward the sustainable management of our planet's water resources.
The purpose of the Center is to form a coordination center based on an interdisciplinary approach for the development of innovative scientific project proposals focused on grant activities at the international level, industrial implementation of engineering solutions for environmental management, energy-efficient solutions for water purification and water treatment, implementation of closed systems for water resources management.
The main activities of the Center:
- development and adaptation of innovative solutions taking into account the specifics of water consumption;
- feasibility study of water treatment and purification technologies implementation;
- development of research projects, preparation of scientific and technical documentation for the modernization of existing and creation of new treatment facilities of settlements and enterprises;
- optimization of technical methods and their environmental and economic feasibility study for the most efficient implementation of innovative technologies for wastewater and sludge treatment with the production of useful products;
- development of research projects for the integration of quality control systems for water treatment and water purification processes at the local level;
- use of a basin system for monitoring the quality of wastewater discharged into surface water bodies after treatment;
The following are the ways of implementation:
- attraction of grant funds in the field of aquatic ecosystem protection and environmental management within the concept of green economy development;
- formation of an effective network of cooperation with partner organizations from different countries to submit joint project applications at the international level;
- creation and improvement of the experimental base for conducting research at a high methodological level;
- monitoring, control, and analysis of water quality in real-time;
- development of scientific and technical substantiation of the level of water treatment for different target groups of consumers;
- preparation of scientific and technical documentation on water purification and water treatment systems;
- on-line decision-making support for the management of wastewater treatment plants;
- development of new water treatment technologies for the customer;
- development and optimization of technological solutions for wastewater and sludge treatment;
- organization of implementation of scientific research results in the educational process;
- advisory and analytical activities.
- implementation of scientific research and industrial implementation of engineering solutions for rational environmental management, energy-efficient solutions for water purification and water treatment, and implementation of closed systems for secondary water resources management;
- establishing contacts with Ukrainian and international institutions to deepen scientific cooperation, dissemination, and practical application of the results of work;
- deepening cooperation with foreign partner organizations in the field of water resources protection and implementation of closed-cycle technologies with appropriate environmental expertise;
- holding joint meetings of various formats with partner organizations to develop joint project proposals within grant programs at the international level;
- attracting foreign investors for the industrial implementation of innovative technological solutions in the field of greening and decarbonization of industry;
- participation and holding of round tables, webinars, and congresses in the field of protection of aquatic ecosystems and development of innovations in water quality management with the involvement of local authorities and the public, as well as representatives of scientific and educational institutions at the international level;
- mandatory quarterly seminars for reporting on the relevant period of the Center's work with the involvement of representatives of foreign partner organizations as moderators;
- promoting the involvement of students and teachers of the University in the implementation of scientific works on issues related to the study of water purification, water treatment and wastewater treatment and their sediments, energy-saving technologies, and renewable energy sources;
- organization and promotion of national and international scientific and practical conferences and seminars, round tables, lectures, and public discussions of new directions of engineering solutions for rational nature management, energy-efficient solutions for water treatment and water treatment, implementation of closed systems for secondary water resources management with the involvement of leading domestic and foreign experts;
- publication of scientific works, collections, methodological and practical manuals to disseminate and popularize the results of the Center's activities;
- inviting foreign specialists to Ukraine, sending members of the Center abroad to implement projects and programs of the Center;
- creation and improvement of the experimental base for research by students and teachers of the Faculty of Technical Systems and Energy Efficient Technologies at a high methodological level.
Partner organizations of our Center
Contact person:
Dr. Yelizaveta Chernysh, Associate Professor – Director of the Center
Telephone: +380 (542) 33-12-05
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.