From the beginning of September 2021 the research association "Experiment in Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies" started to operate at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies of Sumy State University, whose activities are multifaceted and aimed at developing scientific thought among young people and acquisition of practical skills by students in their work with the equipment in processes of clearing environment components. Publication activity and participation in competitions of student scientific works are planned in the activities of the scientific association (group), which included young scientists, PhD students and students of different courses majoring in 101 "Ecology" and 183 " Environmental Protection Technologies ".
Due to quarantine restrictions, the research association also uses online platforms to work, including Google MEET and special software to support the Labstep experiment.
The main directions in scientific activity of the research association "Experiment in Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies" are:
- anaerobic waste fermentation;
- intensification of bioconvection processes in environmental protection technologies;
- biomonitoring of the environment;
- purification methods of wastewater and their sludge;
- use of digestates in organic farming;
- technologies of adaptation to climate change;
- organo-mineral composition of different directions of action in the technology of environmental bioremediation.
Members of the scientific group
Young scientists (under 35 years old):
- Yelizaveta Chernysh - Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies (Head of the Scientific Group)
- Iryna Ablieieva - PhD, Doctoral Candidate, Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies for Scientific and International Activities
- Igor Roy - PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies
- Eugene Bataltsev - PhD, Assistant, Head of the Educational Laboratory of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies
PhD students:
- Chubur Viktoriia - PhD student of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies
- Polina Skvortsova - PhD student of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies
- Dmitry Danilov - student of gr. TSm-11
- Oleksiy Belous - student of gr. TS-81
- Vladislava Zakharova - student of gr. TS-81
- Daryna Ruslanova - student of gr. OS-91
- Eliza Bartosh - student of gr. OS-81
- Olena Borukha - student of gr. OS-81
- Anastasia Eremenko - student of gr. OS-01
- Snizhana Davydova - student of gr. OS-01
- Kateryna Shlyk - student of gr. OS-01
Equipment for research work of the scientific group
As part of the activities of the scientific group, it is possible to conduct experiments on several laboratory stands, among them: an anaerobic unit for the generation of biogas and fermentation of organic wastewater and plant residues, an electrolysis unit for the production of activated liquids with stimulation of bioprocesses, an ultrasonic cavitator for pretreatment of effluents and homogenization of various liquids, which also used in cleaning processes, magnetic installation-stimulator of bioprocesses.
The equipment is involved in the work of the group with the support of the International Innovation and Applied Center "Aquatic Artery", operating on the basis of the department. Involving students in real research work and grant projects are one of the important activities of the Center "Aquatic Artery".
Also with the participation of Czech University of Natural Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic), mini-grants were received, funded by the Czech government through the grant platform AgriSciences Platform for Scientific Enhancement of HEIs in Ukraine. It allowed to purchase devices involved in the experimental activities of the scientific group, in particular: laboratory scales ТВЕ-0.3-0.01, biological microscope XS-5520 with video camera, water bath BV-20, magnetic mixing unit and laboratory mill, gas analyzer Geotech BIOGAS 5000 (long-term use), flammable gas detector Testo 316 Ex (long-term use).