In order to consolidate theoretical knowledge Familiarization Environmental (2nd year), Landscape (3rd year), Industrial (4th year) and Undergraduate (5 year) practices are conducted.
Familiarization Environmental Practice
After the end of the 2nd year of studies field practice is conducted. It is necessary for advancement and dissemination of knowledge gained during the study of theoretical courses on ecology, hydrology, landscape ecology, soil science, geology and geomorphology. Students familiarize themselves with the various processes and phenomena that take place within ecosystems of Sumy Region, get skills of field studies by investigating reservation areas (nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, dendrological parks). Field practice is carried out by special routes.
Landscape Practice
The main purpose of the practice for future environmental experts is to develop the skills of landscape techniques for field research and assessment of the natural landscape, which they will need in their future careers.
The main tasks that students perform during practice are:
- study of the morphological units of a particular landscape;
- analysis and anthropogenic impact assessment;
- formulation of conclusions and proposals to reduce the negative impact anthropogenic factors and ways to restore damaged or lost elements of the landscape.
Industrial Practice
Industrial practice is held to form professional skills, independent decision-making skills in a particular area of work in the actual production conditions.
Goals of Industrial Practice are the following:
- To consolidate theoretical knowledge gained during studies.
- To study enterprises, institutions and special units.
- To gain practical skills while working with progressive methods of environmental protection.
- To get results of practical work or experiments in order to use them during future studies.
Internships in enterprises of the city and the region, in inspecting facilities, enable the student to use and extent knowledge about processes in enterprises, means of reduction of negative impact of business on the environment, to study methods of environmental monitoring on the practice .
Industrial practice allows the student to determine the topic of the future graduate thesis (master's) work, which is focused on problems of ecological safety of the company.
Undergraduate Practice
Undergraduate practice is held to organize and practically apply theoretical knowledge in order to solve environmental problems, determined within the final project, and to develop skills of independent scientific engineering and environmental work. The scientific study of specific environmental objectives is accompanied by scientific or environmental research, for example, solving environmental problems caused by pollutants, development of environmentally sound technology, etc. Bases for practices are companies and organizations of Sumy and Sumy region.