Researchers of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies of Sumy State University together with graduate students and senior students are executors of various research projects in cooperation with departments of universities and research institutes of the world. This work organically combines educational and research components, its results are the basis of theses and dissertations prepared at the Department.
I. THE JOINT UKRAINIAN-CZECH R&D PROJECT (2021–2022) “Bioenergy innovations in waste recycling and rational use of natural resources”
Registration number of R&D: 0121U113753
- Sumy State University
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Summary: The development of environmentally friendly waste recycling is a priority for green growth in many countries around the world, and biotechnology is widely used for this purpose. In this regard, the following areas of waste treatment of various genesis in bioprocesses are proposed: anaerobic digestion of organic residues with the addition of chemical by-products and the production of biomethane and other useful bio-based products; dephosphotation and detoxification of sewage sludge with phosphogypsum addition with the production of biomethane and digestate.
The approach is based on the use of organic waste as a source of carbon and phosphogypsum as sources of mineral nutrients and trace elements for the cultivated desired microbial groups in bio-processes. It is assumed that the strategy of nutrient reuse will be a tool to address the problem of limiting the growth of necessary ecological and trophic groups in the bioprocesses of energy generation using secondary sources. It is also necessary to assess the full life cycle of the final products obtained with the achievement of high environmental and economic efficiency. An important goal of the project is to form an advanced research network focused on bioenergy with high competitive ability to be granted within the EU context.
The team members from SSU:
- Prof. Leonid Plyatsuk – Principal investigator, Head of Department of Applied Ecology, Doctor of Science, Academician of Engineering Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature
- Assoc. prof. Yelizaveta Chernysh – Responsible executor, Doctor of Science, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies
- Dr. Iryna Ablieieva (scientist under 35 years) – PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies
- Dr. Iryna Vaskina – PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies
- Assoc. prof. Tetiana Kurbatova – PhD, Department of International economic affairs.
- PhD students (young scientists):
- Iryna Berezhna
- Victoria Chubur
The team members from Czech University of Life Sciences Prague:
- Assoc. prof. Hynek Roubík – Principal investigator, Group leader of Biogas Research Team
- Dr. Jana Mazancová – senior expert and vice-dean of Faculty
- Assoc. prof. Jan Banout – senior expert and dean of Faculty
- PhD students (young scientists):
- Ghaith Hassan
- Marek Jelínek
- Ricardo Chandra Situmeang
- Chama Theodore Ketuama