The scientific circle of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies works in the following sections, which in particular correspond to the areas and specialties of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers and the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad:
- Road transport (Ecological safety of the complex "car-environment")
- Life Safety
- Occupational Health
- Man-made safety
- Civil Protection
- Ecological safety
- Environmental protection technologies
- Ecology
Every year the teachers of the department prepare students for bachelor's and master's degrees (specialties 101 and 183) for the Competition and the Olympiad, manage their scientific activity, which is successfully reflected in the results of the second stage.
In addition, applicants present the results of research at international and national student research events.
There is a positive practice of publishing scientific articles under the guidance and co-authorship with teachers. Together with the approbation of the results, this is a mandatory requirement for the qualification works of bachelors and masters.