During November 28-29, 2024, the Associate Professor of the Department, Dr. of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor Iryna Ablieieva participated in Biogas Solutions Research Center (BSRC) Winter Conference (Linköping, Sweden). Biogas Solutions Research Center is a national competence center that aims to create strong, national competencies leading to industrially and socially motivated research on and development of biogas solutions. The center is administered by Linköping University, where Iryna Ablieieva is providing scientific research now as a guest researcher.

BSRC organized four research weeks and two conferences (summer and winter) annually to share knowledge and experience between industry, academia and interested parties. This year winter conference had four sessions: “Sustainable intensification of agriculture for expanding biogas solutions”, “The role of biofertilizers in future agriculture”, “Methanation and CO2 utilization: Old news or Sci-Fi futurism?”, and “The role of biomethane in making value chains fossil-free”.

Besides this poster session was held during the first day of the conference where Iryna Ablieieva had a poster presentation on the topic “Digestate biofertilization: a sustainable pathway to increase global soil C content”. This meta-analysis research was performed together with Swedish colleagues from Linköping University and recently published. The relevant topic was a key one of the conference sessions and aroused interest among the participants, as it has the potential to counteract climate change through carbon sequestration.

Moreover, Iryna Ablieieva conducts research into the valorization of digestate and its use as a biofertilizer to restore fertility and ecological functions of soils. These topics are relevant in the context of the impact of military actions on the soil and their reclamation and remediation.


Location: auditorium 115, 1st floor, main building

Phone: +380 (542) 33-12-05

E-mail: [email protected]

Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies,

Sumy State University,

116, Kharkivska st.,

Sumy, Ukraine, 40007