Пляцук Леонид ДмитриевичAcademic degree: Doctor of Science, Professor, Academician of Engineering Academy of Ukraine, Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety, was awarded the Order of M.V. Lomonosov, Honored Power Engineer of Ukraine.

Position: Head of Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies, Professor

Organizational work: the head of specialized academic council D 55.01.04 on specialties 21.06.01 "Ecological Safety" and 05.17.08 “Processes and equipments of chemical technology”.

Major Subjects: Automatic control and instruments for measurements of environmental parameters, Methodology and organization of scientific research, Environmental inspection.

Research interests: environmental risks, processes and equipment of environmental technologies, processes and equipment of chemical technology, environmental monitoring, energy-efficient technology, environmental inspection.

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Location: auditorium 115, 1st floor, main building

Phone: +380 (542) 33-12-05

E-mail: [email protected]

Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies,

Sumy State University,

116, Kharkivska st.,

Sumy, Ukraine, 40007